Mark Wainwright
writer • editor • instructor
publishing coach
"My greatest fear is not that I would fail, but that I would be a success at things that do not matter for eternity."
–C. McMorris
With 18+ years in Christian publishing, Mark Wainwright has edited hundreds of manuscripts, coached dozens of authors, and shepherded 500+ projects through the publications process.
His writing credits include publication in textbooks, newspapers, magazines, and literary journals. He's recognized as an outstanding editor, writer, and contributor.
Mark remains passionate about using his writing, editing, and publishing skills for the glory of God. He encourages writers to courageously impact their communities through the power of writing.

Writing and editing are more than my passion. They are the means through which I impact lives—for the glory of God.
Mark is the kind of asset to an organization that enables its publisher to vacation without calling the office.
–Jesse Lange, Director
of Resource Marketing
Focus on the Family
His focus on excellence ensures that the final printed product is always of the highest quality.
–Terry Wilson
Emmaus International
Over the years Mark has been an inspiration to me, but never more than that time we were lost at sea. He has guts when it counts.
–Gary Bustin
PNG Tribal Foundation
Career Positions
Mark remains passionate about using his writing, editing, and publishing skills for the glory of God. This has led him to work with a variety of publishers that develop Bible-based, Christian-living resources.
A career is not merely about earning a living—rather, it is the means of impacting lives and pointing people to the Savior.
Faculty, English & Professional Writing
Pensacola Christian College
Publications and Communications Director
Emmaus International
Founder and Editor
Editorial Manager
Christian Books Melanesia
Technology Web Writer
Adams Center for Teaching Excellence
Writer and Editor
Trade Activities
Fountains Book Launch
Pensacola Christian College — April 2018 / 2019
Publishing Strategy Session
Emmaus International — October 2017
Publisher Representative (distribution of 75,000 Bible studies)
Willow Creek Community Church — December 2016
Verso Paper Corp.
Tour of 8th largest paper mill — September 2015
Interviewing of Prison Inmates
Patosi Correctional Center — May 2014
International Christian Retail Show
Annual Publisher Convention — June 2011
Engaging in industry events enables one to continue learning and sharing. Through collaboration, we understand and grow.
Mark's editorial pen isn't for the faint hearted. But if you're are ready to courageously tackle the hard truths of a disjointed structure, lack of focus, weak characters, fragmented plots, and unnatural dialogue, then Mark is ready to help.
During the editing process, you'll find that Mark is much more than simply an outstanding editor. He is a teacher and mentor that will guide you into knowing how to improve your own writing and editing skills. You'll appreciate his insightful questions, astute analysis, and comprehensive revision.
Yet, through it all, Mark will maintain your personal style. He'll even help you develop a book proposal that exceeds publisher expectations. By helping publishers see the worth of your manuscript, you give yourself the best possible chance of receiving a book contract.
Mark's publishing career has enabled him to participate in a variety of industry events. Whether touring a paper mill in Wisconsin, interviewing prison inmates at a Max 5 security prison in Missouri, inspecting print manufactures in Michigan, or networking at a publishing convention in Florida—these trade activities have helped him connect with people to share knowledge, expertise, and skill.
Selective List . . .
Fountains Launch — Pensacola, FL, April 2018 / 2019
My PW 304 class helped creatively advertise the Fountains literary journal. At launch, we operated a sale’s table where we generated interest and sold the book.
College Days Connection — Pensacola, FL, March 2019
Representing the Professional Writing concentration, I met with prospective college students to not only discuss program objectives and answer questions, but to also inspire and generate enthusiasm for the way writing can impact lives.
Writing Judge — Pensacola, FL, April 2018 / February 2019
I participated on a panel to judge several writing contests including the Extemporaneous Essay Contest and the annual Commencement Contest (original fiction and nonfiction).
Print Shop Tour — Pensacola, FL, April 2018 / 2019
I led my Copy Editing II (PW 304) students on a field trip of a mid-sized print manufacture. The tour helped students understand the equipment, terminology, and processes involved—and cultivated enthusiasm for the way writing is made into a tangible product.
Humanities Interest Session — Pensacola, FL, March 2018
I spoke to a room of prospective college students about the impact an English degree had on my life. By talking about my editing career, I emphasized current print and digital publishing opportunities and using those mediums to positively influence our communities.
Publishing Strategy Session — Chicago, IL, October 2017
The Emmaus International Director, several colleagues, and I met with key Chicago personnel / representatives to discuss networking opportunities, collaboration, and publishing projects.
Publisher Representative at “Prison Pack” Church Service — Chicago, IL, December 2016
For the 4th year, Emmaus International partnered with Willow Creek Community Church to develop Bible study resources that are distributed to nearly 75,000 prison inmates across Illinois (as a Christmas care-package initiative). Check out our YouTube summary video.
Bible Conference — Bethany Bible Chapel — Cedar Falls, IA, October 2016
At this church-leader conference, I represented Emmaus International by promoting our publishing and ministry activities. I also met with key individuals / organizations to explore potential collaboration.
Life of Christ (BT 247) — Emmaus Bible College — Dubuque, IA, September 2016
Professor David A. Glock invited me to take his class of 105 college freshmen about Emmaus publishing resources and their use in a wide variety of ministries.
Christian Ministry Seminars — Dubuque, IA, February 2016
I co-led a classroom seminar to encourage students to serve the Lord both now and in the future. The Emmaus Bible study resources provide excellent tools for use in prison / jail ministry, camp ministry, small group Bible studies, one-on-one mentorship, evangelism, etc.
Verso Paper Corp. — Paper Mill Tour — Wisconsin Rapids, WI, September 2015
Mill staff (of this 11thlargest paper mill in the world) provided me a tour and unique insight of pulp and paper manufacturing. We also discussed sustainability practices and overseas competition.
Book Launch — Dubuque, IA, May 2015
To build excitement and generate sales, I worked with the author of UnStuck: Moving Beyond Defeat to develop a successful book launch. The book signing included live piano music, specialty coffee, and desserts. For over 90 minutes, the author was busy signing books.
Filming / Interviewing — Ypsilanti, MI, March 2015
I traveled to Detroit to interview Edwin Wolff. His story of finding Christ inside prison is not only inspirational, but also an encouragement to prison ministry workers. With the footage collected, we developed three videos. I also wrote an article for The ECS Connection based on Ed’s story.
Strategic Planning — Dubuque, IA, October 2014
Board members and department managers from Emmaus International gathered for several days of strategic planning. We accessed SWOT and STEEP variable before developing specific, implementable plans.
Filming / Interviewing of Prison Inmates — Patosi, MO, May 2014
To promote Prison Ministries, I obtained government permission and security clearance to interview and film 12 Christian inmates inside a Max 5 security prison. I then helped develop videos and related marketing campaigns.
ECPA 2012 PUBu — Wheaton College, Wheaton, IL, October 2012
PUBu provides an educational and networking opportunity for those within Christian publishing. Sessions are developed around major publishing-related communities and led by industry experts.
Publications (CS 380) — Emmaus Bible College, Dubuque, IA, April 2012
As a guest instructor, I taught junior and senior level students the program tools needed in importing, designing, typesetting, and exporting publications for print and online formats.
International Christian Retail Show — CBA Convention, St. Louis, MO, June 2011
At the St. Louis CBA convention, I evaluated exhibit opportunities for Emmaus International. Roaming the exhibit floor also proved useful in analyzing Christian publishing trends.
Developing an Email and Social Media Marketing Plan — Dubuque, IA, April 2011
Hosted by the NICC Center for Professional Development, this forum offered practical insight into developing and implementing an email and social media marketing strategy.
Publishing Executive & Book Business Seminars — January 2011
Your Future On-demand: Exploring the Future in POD/Digital Book Printing
Finding Direction as New Market Dynamics Take Hold of the Book Industry
2010 Publishers Institute — Christian Small Publishers Association, St. Louis, MO, June 2010
During the International Christian Retail Show, the CSPA hosted the Publishers Institute, discussing pre-publication book promotion, legal publishing rights, social media strategy, etc.
Publishing / Printing Industry Forum — Dexter, MI, November 2009
Industry professionals from the book production business gathered to network and learn about color management, marketing, advertising, graphics and halftones, proper PDF creation, etc.
Printer Visitation — Nappanee, IN, April 2009
I visited Evangel Press’ production facility to view equipment and discuss upcoming projects.
Xpedx Paper Summit — Grand Rapids, MI, June 2008
This conference explored the array of papers available and discussed sustainability issues / prices. Representatives included International Paper, Abitibi/Bowater, Fraser, and Glatfelter.
Printer Visitation — Chelsea, MI, November 2006
Representatives of Sheridan Books, Inc. walked me through their printing facility in Chelsea, Michigan. We discussed printing options such as foil stamping, embossing, and cloth covers.
Printer Visitation — Dexter, MI, August 2006
For development of a casebound devotional book, I met with printers from Thomson-Shore at their manufacturing plant where we evaluated options and strategies.
Printer Visitation — Grand Rapids, MI, May 2005
In visiting these book manufacturers (Dickinson Press and Color House Graphics), I developed business relationships and learned printing technology.
Christian Publishing Institute — Colorado Springs, CO, June 2004
This week-long course (hosted by David C. Cook Publishing) offered an intensive learning experience to managers and publishers pursuing editorial excellence.
Guest Speaker — Wewak, Papua New Guinea, August 2002, August 2003
During National Book Week, I visited local schools and motivated children to enjoy and participate in reading and writing, emphasizing the theme, “Read to Lead.”
International Publications Visit — Gospel Literature Service, Mumbai, India, May 2003
For three days, I met with GLS representatives in Bombay to discuss our strengths and weaknesses. We explored solutions and networking strategies for work within Southeastern Asia.
Guest Instructor — Tangugo, Papua New Guinea, July 2002
Taught 25 workshop participants the fundamentals of effective writing and publishing.
World Journalism Institute — Ashville, NC, June 2001
For four weeks, prominent journalists from across America taught our select group of emerging writers the methods and importance of communicating truth within the framework of today's media.
Writing Finalist — Graduate Research Symposium & Exhibit, Abilene, TX, April 2001
My short story "Voidinmi's Transformation" (written entirely without use of the letter "e") was nominated by Dr. Albert Haley (award-winning author) for inclusion in this symposium recognizing exceptional talent.
Journalism Writing Judge — Trent Independent School District, Trent, TX, March 2001
As an Independent School District writing judge, I evaluated students’ news, feature, and editorial articles according to specific criteria to determine winning selections.
International Symposium on Faith & Literary Art — Baylor University, Waco, TX, February 2001
This regional conference explored the infusion of religion and the arts, particularly writing.
Southwest Conference on Literature — Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, OK, September 2000
These workshops focused on teaching and writing trends within contemporary social culture.
Christian Booksellers Association — CBA International Convention, Orlando, FL, July 1999
Although I have attended numerous CBA conventions, this year’s banquet presentations and performances involving prominent authors and artists were especially memorable.